I am an automata magazine  sub-editor and am responsible for the
‘A PART of the story’

This webpage is to assist contributors in understanding what is required for a contribution to the column.

The bottom line: To teach and encourage the use of current technology when creating automata.

‘a PART of the story’ is a regular Automata Magazine column.  The column was first published in the March/April 2023 issue.  I am what is called a sub-editor for the magazine, and am responsible for ensuring that there is always content available for the column.

What is the column all about?:  The column, ‘a PART of the story,’ is about the process of making some of the individual parts that go into our automata, with an emphasis on high-tech production— microprocessors, motors, sensors, servos, step motors,  laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC machining, using molds, audio techniques, etc.

To show examples, here are links to the a PART of the story articles that have been published thus far:

Contributors are requested to provide the following:

  • Article Title
  • Contributor name and location (and a headshot would be nice)
  • The Technique or Technology that is being featured
  • The purpose of the part 
  • Narrative: approximately 250 words (1,500 characters)
  • Images.  Most likely three will be used, Please include at least three images with captions.
  • Resources:  Keywords that can be used to search for additional information and tutorials.

What kind of articles will be considered?  Those of you Automatists who are reading this webpage create automata.  You tell stories with machines.  To create these machines you use techniques and technologies that range from ancient to current.  As you look out at the world of automata you see where some of the more current technologies could be used…but aren’t.  Articles are being sought that describe what can be done with these more current technologies.  The goal of this column is to teach by showing examples and by offering suggestions about how to learn more.